英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-03 11:26:03
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1. 毡头笔、水笔:brush刷子、毛笔 | felt pen毡头笔、水笔 | paint颜料、水彩

2. 水彩笔:brush 毛笔,画笔 | felt pen 水彩笔 | old旧的

3. 彩色笔:24. daily expression日常用语 | 25. felt pen||彩色笔 | 26. grammar语法

4. 文具类:文具类:paint, brush, felt pen, crayon | 动词:talk, sleep, dig, drive, dry, do, eat, help, live, make, sail, say, shake, wash, watch | 职业:singer, pilot, student

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

You may have felt determined to be a better and changed person while taking out your pen and getting ready to make New Year resolutions.(也许你已经下决心要改过自新,争取向上,拿出了你的笔准备写下新年愿望。)
It returned to the surface with a scrap of paper carrying a message scrawled in red felt-tip pen: “We’re alright in the shelter, the 33 of us.”(被取出的探测仪上附有一个纸条,上面用红记号笔潦草地写着:“我们在避难所内,33个人全都活着。”)
Written in red felt-tip pen and affixed to a door, they are among the last words of a 14-year-old Japanese schoolgirl, who took her life on April 23rd.(这句用红色毡头笔书写的并贴在门上的警告却赫然出现在一位年仅14岁的日本女学生的遗言之中,此女于4月23日自杀。)
Venier caliper, metallic ruler, measuring tape, square, center punch, felt point marker pen.(卡钳,金属的直尺,卷尺,曲尺,中心冲,感觉测点作记号钢笔。)
In many cases the signature was photocopied or printed, then traced over with a felt-tip pen.(在许多情形下,签名先是影印或印刷出来,再用记号笔在上面描绘。)
Our unique flow-through, felt-tip pen provides controlled application to create a precise line, from soft to dramatic.(独特的流动液体,笔尖能更好的提供运用控制,以达到精确的眼线,从温和的到生动的效果。)
Using a felt pen, place a small mark where the left and right seat tubes should be situated.(使用一个笔尖,放置一个小标志在左,右座管应该设。)
Use different colours of felt pen on your sketch to avoid confusion .(用不同颜色的毡头笔画草图,以免搞混。)
I felt confident as well, and I wanted the first pen - but Rafa picked the order and I was on the fifth.(我很有信心,想第一个罚点球,但是拉法安排好了次序,我第五个罚。)
He has used a mixture of Mosaic, collage and felt-tip pen.(他混合使用了马赛克、拼贴画和毡头笔。)
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